Wednesday, February 2, 2011

A Different Side Of The Story

I’ve realized most female photographers start in this amazing career, as they become mommies. The inspiration that comes from watching that tiny person grow and make unbelievable faces, would make anyone want to hatch on this new path. For me, it was a different story. I was always attracted to photo taking, however instead of going into it, I found myself surrounded by great photographers. That inspired me even more but always ended up giving ideas instead of taking the matter into my own hands. That was until a year ago, when a great friend pushed me into it. Being an amazing photographer himself and having achieved a milestone on his career, I launched under his wing and learned as much as I could. Obviously, we have chosen different limbs on this tree but knowledge and love for the art, still unites us.
Today, I feel very grateful for getting to know such a talented photographer and for him to take the time to teach me better. Partially he’s at fault for me developing such skills. Thank you Nik Zolof

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