Friday, February 4, 2011

mmm Photo Shoot Me A Weekend!

Doubtlessly photography is one of my top passions. The more I study and practice it, the more I love it.
I’ve made a “wish list” of all the equipment I need. Obviously, I’m far from reaching all my goals, but a step at a time, takes you far. The best way it’s just to keep my mind sharp and focused at all times! Main goals are external flash, more memory, better lens and tons of practice. After that, I’ll start on the fancy stuff like a good backdrop and the umbrellas, that way I can start taking in more business.
Well, the logo is coming soon and so are all the promotional products. It’s going to be a great weekend. I feel the love in the air!
OM Shanti to all! Have an awesomely photographic weekend!

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Life is a journey, a path with many options to choose from. My life has always been about traveling and adapting. Celebrate with me my life, my love and my passions. Welcome to my many Traveling Smiles!