Thursday, March 3, 2011


It has always seemed funny to me when people say, “ I’m not photogenic” or “I really do not photograph well”. Well, I have news for you! YOU ARE PHOTOGENIC, in fact I dare you to have a shoot with me and see what you think afterward.
It all depends on who’s taking your picture. If you feel uncomfortable or uneasy, then the images will come out just the same. That’s why I’m a strong believer that a photographer has to be your friend; someone you can rely on. The simple fact they are coming into your life to share private moments with you, it’s a big deal. You wont let anyone come in and see your family, would you? Of course not, you only allow people you trust to a certain degree. That’s why I’m here. I am, after all, your favorite photographer, right? ;- )
I have a question…Does our equipment makes us your print doctor? Hhmm, I like that idea! Lol 
I’ll be posting great shoots soon. Stay tuned for more!
Much Love and Many Smiles!!!

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