Sunday, February 20, 2011

Loved The Weekend

This Saturday was a crazy day! I went from feeling sick as a dog to running around with two awesome kids to having a great birthday dinner with friends. How did I do it all? No idea, but I’ll thank my hubby and the huge amount of Dayquil I took.
The shoot came out great! I loved the pictures, the moments, and the models. It was truly a great day. I had some issues working with the light but I made it. Normally around 2-4 pm there’s too much sun and that can affect the outcome.  
Here are my favorites:

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Insignia: The Band

Maternity Images: Karla & The Belly

Logo Search & Research!

Good Morning ALL! Isn’t it a beautiful day today? Perfect day for a long shoot! It’s cloudy enough to make it interesting, yet it’s beautifully sunny. MMM spring time!
So, today I woke up with a great desire to do some scenery and landscape photo shoots. The day is perfect so why not, right?  I’ll have to schedule time for that, though. I have a load of work to do today. I’m behind on classes and I have to work on my logo! I’ve been thinking about this for a while since I have to print the business cards soon. Obviously it has got to be something between traveling & smiles but it must be catchy, yet a clean cut design. I was thinking of some nice plum kissing lips with maybe a little traveler’s hat on top. Hhmm any suggestions would be great! Lol
I’ve also come to realizing my type of portrait photography tends to hinder on the dramatic side. For those that know me personally, I do not want to hear a “duh” lol. In any case, what do I mean by dramatic portraits? I’m referring to the saturation mode. I intend to bring up all the colors in a picture. For example in my last shoot for the Insignia Rock Band, I chose a really colorful background. (If you are familiar with Downtown Miami, I’ll recommend with a sense of urgency, to make a stop by the Wynwood Wall. I’m sure you will love it!) I made a point for my awesome models to dress in black and white; this made them and the wall jump up! It was magical.

Here are some samples:
I can’t wait for my next shoots! Butterfly World, here we go!
For now, I’ll get back to my studies and then head out to the lake. There’s an amazingly beautiful tree I’m dying to keep in my collection. I’ll keep you posted.

Much Love & Smiles!
Jani-Your Favorite Photographer
@Traveling Smiles Photography

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Edit, Edit & More Edit!!!!!

This past weekend was a blast! I had a sexy pregnant woman to photo shoot & then a rocking Rock Band. What else could I ask for, right? Well, let me start by saying my legs are still sore! I jumped up and down, got on my knees, walked half downtown and still spent countless hours editing. Am I complaining? Oh no! I loved it. It was a great experience. All my models brought something special to my camera. I just want to say thank you! Thank you for giving me the time to print those moments that will never be forgotten. Thank you for showing trust in me and my knowledge. Thank you for taking me a step closer to becoming the best photographer I can be. Thank you so much!!!
I’ll be posting some of the images shortly. Stay tuned!
Love & Smiles,
Jani- Your Favorite Photographer
( <3 )

Friday, February 4, 2011

mmm Photo Shoot Me A Weekend!

Doubtlessly photography is one of my top passions. The more I study and practice it, the more I love it.
I’ve made a “wish list” of all the equipment I need. Obviously, I’m far from reaching all my goals, but a step at a time, takes you far. The best way it’s just to keep my mind sharp and focused at all times! Main goals are external flash, more memory, better lens and tons of practice. After that, I’ll start on the fancy stuff like a good backdrop and the umbrellas, that way I can start taking in more business.
Well, the logo is coming soon and so are all the promotional products. It’s going to be a great weekend. I feel the love in the air!
OM Shanti to all! Have an awesomely photographic weekend!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Every Shoot Makes Me Feel Like A Virgin?

I always get so excited when I have a new shoot. My legs shake, my heart beats faster, my head blows up with ideas. Today is no different. I have around 4 sessions lined up for next week, but starting on Saturday I have a couple of artist’s sessions.
First, I have a great local rock band called Insignia. I love their music and so will have the honor to photograph them. That’s simply going to ROCK! (Literally)
I have already thought of it all; the dress code, the locations, and even the mode in which the camera will be. I want to reflect their powerful sound in their images. They are a trio band. Meaning there’s a singer (Juan), a guitarist (Daniel) and a drummer (Luis). I want their faces, bodies and articulations to jump off the walls, which is why I’ve chosen a great artistic and colorful wall. Thanks to our heritage down here in Miami, we have the Wynwood Wall. It’s a mural filled by many influential artists, it was done for the ART BASEL 2010.
I can barely wait for the shoot. The boys will be thrilled! And so will I, of course.
Then on Monday, I have another great artist’s session. This time it will be a great Miami Talent- Deejay Yoney. I’m a fan of his music. He normally plays at LA COVACHA, a great nightclub. His photo session will be in Downtown Miami as well. I still have a few details to touch up on, but I will surely bring you all the images. Stay tuned for more to come!
Photography and I: The stolen bits of life.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

A Different Side Of The Story

I’ve realized most female photographers start in this amazing career, as they become mommies. The inspiration that comes from watching that tiny person grow and make unbelievable faces, would make anyone want to hatch on this new path. For me, it was a different story. I was always attracted to photo taking, however instead of going into it, I found myself surrounded by great photographers. That inspired me even more but always ended up giving ideas instead of taking the matter into my own hands. That was until a year ago, when a great friend pushed me into it. Being an amazing photographer himself and having achieved a milestone on his career, I launched under his wing and learned as much as I could. Obviously, we have chosen different limbs on this tree but knowledge and love for the art, still unites us.
Today, I feel very grateful for getting to know such a talented photographer and for him to take the time to teach me better. Partially he’s at fault for me developing such skills. Thank you Nik Zolof


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Life is a journey, a path with many options to choose from. My life has always been about traveling and adapting. Celebrate with me my life, my love and my passions. Welcome to my many Traveling Smiles!