Tuesday, October 18, 2011

October Package Deal- Mommy Love Package

Mother's love is an ongoing daily matter and it should be so. We are nothing without our Mothers and well, they are nothing without us. This month I decided to make a celebration to all the great Mothers out there and so I will be having this offer for what's left of this month. To make it better, every person you refer earns you one of this FREE SESSIONS with TRAVELING SMILES PHOTOGRAPHY!

Hope to hear from you soon! Like us in Facebook for more inside details! 

<3<3<3 Much Love & Many Smiles <3<3<3 Jani

Monday, October 17, 2011

A Much Needed Apology

In the last few months, I’ve let go a bit. I got careless and blamed it all on my personal problems. The truth is, that's bad business ethics and I had a big case of it. What exactly am I doing? I am apologizing publicly to one of my best clients.
Kenia, I am ever so sorry for making you fall through the cracks. I promise my lesson has been learned and it will never happen again.
 I offer you this and from the bottom of my heart, I ask for your forgiveness

Hopefully, this will ever make you trust my services and I.   
<3<3<3 Much Love & Many Smiles <3<3<3 
Your Favorite Photographer ~ Jani

Friday, June 3, 2011

New Advertising!

So, I've decided to try out a bit more of advertising. I've always relied on Word of Mouth and it always works, but why not hit it up a notch, right?
I've found this new site and they seem very good.

Check out my link at Thumbtack! Traveling Smiles Photography by Jani

Much Love & Many Smiles,

Jani- Your Photographer

Friday, April 8, 2011

For Future Reference: I’m an idiot (LOL)

I bet you are wondering why I’m accusing myself of such horrible things; well this really pretty (sometimes) smart photographer has forgotten a very important step in photography. That is to keep the originals! I honestly feel like smacking myself silly.
Last night, I was enjoying my little family when I remembered I had to upload images to iStock, so I started organizing them and then I noticed, I do not have all the originals. I have been setting them aside on the last 3-4 shoots, but all the ones before those… let’s just say, I was more concentrated in editing them for the clients than my own business.
For all of you inspiring photographer, I highly recommend you do that as a first step. No matter how bad the image is. You never know when you’ll need it.
As for me, I’ll just breathe in and slowly hammer my head. Lol (Just kidding)
Much Love & Many Smiles,
<3<3<3 Jani- Your Photographer

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Belly Moments- Yeimi

This weekend was really a lot of fun. I love doing belly sessions. This one, however, was a mini session. Can barely wait for the newborn pictures coming up in a couple of weeks. Here are some of the proofs. Enjoy!

After Wedding Shoot- Michel & Yeni- April 3rd, 2011

Well, I must say I had a blast this Sunday. I went from one shoot to the next but surely loved the outcome in this one. Here I leave you with some beautiful images. 

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Andy’s 1st Birthday Session

I’ve just edited a beautiful session for an awesome 1-year-old baby. I’m in love with his face and that cute smile. He had a blast with me and so did I with him.
Here are some of the proofs. Hope you enjoy them! 

More sessions coming up, stay tuned!

Thursday, March 3, 2011


It has always seemed funny to me when people say, “ I’m not photogenic” or “I really do not photograph well”. Well, I have news for you! YOU ARE PHOTOGENIC, in fact I dare you to have a shoot with me and see what you think afterward.
It all depends on who’s taking your picture. If you feel uncomfortable or uneasy, then the images will come out just the same. That’s why I’m a strong believer that a photographer has to be your friend; someone you can rely on. The simple fact they are coming into your life to share private moments with you, it’s a big deal. You wont let anyone come in and see your family, would you? Of course not, you only allow people you trust to a certain degree. That’s why I’m here. I am, after all, your favorite photographer, right? ;- )
I have a question…Does our equipment makes us your print doctor? Hhmm, I like that idea! Lol 
I’ll be posting great shoots soon. Stay tuned for more!
Much Love and Many Smiles!!!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Loved The Weekend

This Saturday was a crazy day! I went from feeling sick as a dog to running around with two awesome kids to having a great birthday dinner with friends. How did I do it all? No idea, but I’ll thank my hubby and the huge amount of Dayquil I took.
The shoot came out great! I loved the pictures, the moments, and the models. It was truly a great day. I had some issues working with the light but I made it. Normally around 2-4 pm there’s too much sun and that can affect the outcome.  
Here are my favorites:

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Insignia: The Band

Maternity Images: Karla & The Belly

Logo Search & Research!

Good Morning ALL! Isn’t it a beautiful day today? Perfect day for a long shoot! It’s cloudy enough to make it interesting, yet it’s beautifully sunny. MMM spring time!
So, today I woke up with a great desire to do some scenery and landscape photo shoots. The day is perfect so why not, right?  I’ll have to schedule time for that, though. I have a load of work to do today. I’m behind on classes and I have to work on my logo! I’ve been thinking about this for a while since I have to print the business cards soon. Obviously it has got to be something between traveling & smiles but it must be catchy, yet a clean cut design. I was thinking of some nice plum kissing lips with maybe a little traveler’s hat on top. Hhmm any suggestions would be great! Lol
I’ve also come to realizing my type of portrait photography tends to hinder on the dramatic side. For those that know me personally, I do not want to hear a “duh” lol. In any case, what do I mean by dramatic portraits? I’m referring to the saturation mode. I intend to bring up all the colors in a picture. For example in my last shoot for the Insignia Rock Band, I chose a really colorful background. (If you are familiar with Downtown Miami, I’ll recommend with a sense of urgency, to make a stop by the Wynwood Wall. I’m sure you will love it!) I made a point for my awesome models to dress in black and white; this made them and the wall jump up! It was magical.

Here are some samples:
I can’t wait for my next shoots! Butterfly World, here we go!
For now, I’ll get back to my studies and then head out to the lake. There’s an amazingly beautiful tree I’m dying to keep in my collection. I’ll keep you posted.

Much Love & Smiles!
Jani-Your Favorite Photographer
@Traveling Smiles Photography


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Life is a journey, a path with many options to choose from. My life has always been about traveling and adapting. Celebrate with me my life, my love and my passions. Welcome to my many Traveling Smiles!