Thursday, February 23, 2012

Love it all!!!

Loving how many sessions I have lined up! Every Saturday I have a session with the YMCA at Peter Blum in Boca. I love seeing those red faces with sweat and smiles. After that, I usually have one to three more sessions and well, I end up dead tired. I am happy though! 
Stay tuned to my Facebook Page for more contests and FREE SESSIONS!!! 

<3<3<3 Much Love & Many Smiles <3<3<3

Your Favorite Photographer ~ Jani

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


I thought i'd share a bit of a slideshow!! Enjoy <3<3<3

Maternity, Children & Portraits Photographer
by Traveling Smiles Photography by Jani


Maternity, Children & Portraits Photographer

Maternity, Children & Portraits Photographer

Traveling Smiles Photography by Jani: Love is involved in each single step, from the moment the session is set to the prints' outcome. My focus is mainly maternity, newborn babies, children of...
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Portrait Photographers Lauderhill

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Here goes my new servicing site. 
Please check it out and tell me what you think! 

Maternity, Children & Portraits Photographer
Much Love & Many Smiles, 

Jani <3<3<3

Sunday, February 19, 2012

This little girl had so many faces! I loved this shoot... Take a look and judge by yourselves!

Seniors Session- Loved it!

I must say, I love photography and the more shoots I have the more I love the outcome! Take a look at the below images and tell me what you think... Absolutely Beautiful is all that comes up to mind! How about you?

Update, Edit… Post … Twenty-Twelve!

It has been a long time since I passed by here and to excuse myself, would not do justice to you all. I do apologize but I hope I’m able to make it up soon enough.

These past few months have been great. I’ve had photo shoots every other weekend. Just this past one, I had 4 in one day. Calling it crazy? Yes it was! But I loved it.
I, also, learned Traveling Smiles Photography by Jani has earned some great recognition and that filled my heart with glitter and butterflies!
Well, keep updated and any questions you may have… do not think twice to give me a call! <3<3<3 Much Love & Many Smiles <3<3<3
Your Photographer ~ Jani


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Life is a journey, a path with many options to choose from. My life has always been about traveling and adapting. Celebrate with me my life, my love and my passions. Welcome to my many Traveling Smiles!