Friday, April 8, 2011

For Future Reference: I’m an idiot (LOL)

I bet you are wondering why I’m accusing myself of such horrible things; well this really pretty (sometimes) smart photographer has forgotten a very important step in photography. That is to keep the originals! I honestly feel like smacking myself silly.
Last night, I was enjoying my little family when I remembered I had to upload images to iStock, so I started organizing them and then I noticed, I do not have all the originals. I have been setting them aside on the last 3-4 shoots, but all the ones before those… let’s just say, I was more concentrated in editing them for the clients than my own business.
For all of you inspiring photographer, I highly recommend you do that as a first step. No matter how bad the image is. You never know when you’ll need it.
As for me, I’ll just breathe in and slowly hammer my head. Lol (Just kidding)
Much Love & Many Smiles,
<3<3<3 Jani- Your Photographer

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