Some days we can get shrunk to negative feelings but then others, the smiles show us who we really are. This past weekend I had mixed feelings. I scheduled a few photo shoots and as I was getting down to it, I was reminded I’m nothing but a beginner; the smile became a frown. I got back on the horse after silently tearing down and started sorting through ideas and planning what will be a great few sessions. I’m still working on free photo shoots just so I can get more of a portfolio. I will edit them and make a book of one and each of my models. It will be great and simply awesome.
I printed my first portfolio thanks to my lovely husband and I’m now anxiously waiting for it. <3
I have all the good programs I need to enhance the capture; to bring out that spark everyone shows as soon as the flash goes off. I feel proud of these hidden skills I have developed.
This morning, I came about a page of a starting photographer just like me. In this case, I was able to criticize her work and that made me realize I do know something about photography. I’m not a competitive person on the least so I gave this beginner some tips to better her work. I like helping out just as I love when people help me. A constructive criticism is always the best guide to success.
As for me, I keep on studying as hard as I can. I will achieve great heights on photography simply because it’s my passion. To capture one’s split of a second and to keep it for all eternity… what else is there to life, but to store the good moments in a framework?